A Fusion of Philosophies:
We are a commercial organization, of course. But we strongly believe that, in the long run, commercial rewards derive from a disciplined and ethical approach to business. Our business values are summed up in Fusion’s “Three Rs”:
We use our experience and our intelligence to analyze opportunities and to deliver quality investment performance. We look – then look again – before we leap. We value our reputation. We prefer steady, long-term growth to unnecessary short-term risk. We have zero-tolerance of corrupt practices in our own business, and when dealing with others.
We are a commercial organization, motivated by targets and the need to deliver. We understand that investors are seeking healthy returns in a market where risk must be managed. We understand the needs of emerging entrepreneurial businesses. We flex our services to suit the needs of the markets where we operate. We work in partnership with our clients, to deliver mutually advantageous outcomes.
We live where we invest – in Africa. We respect the people and places with whom we have an investment relationship, complying with the law and dealing sensitively with local differences. We have a substantial presence in the markets where we offer financial services. We believe in the power of relationships to deliver a quality deal-flow.
We also believe in following the Fusion Ten Commandments:
- Always do your best, go the extra mile, take initiative, and continuously improve yourself.
- Be honest with others, be honest with yourself, be transparent and face reality.
- Reward people on the basis of merit.
- Trust your colleagues’ motivation, and trust in their skills to get the job done.
- Do not write what you can speak.
- Put the organization’s interests ahead of your own, and behave as if everyone is in it together.
- Junior people are expected to challenge senior people. What matters is the quality of an idea, not the title of the person giving it.
- Be curious, open to outside thinking, and willing to experiment. Seek the best, wherever it is.
- Find out the facts – it is facts, not opinions, which ultimately count.
- Feel a sense of urgency – it is a race without a finishing line.